Commentators: Message Is A Major Sign
By Jakob
The Christ Child speaking instead of Mary on Christmas Day signifies major changes around the apparitions, and may even herald the end of the Virgin Mary’s messages, commentators agree. The Christ Child’s message echoes Jesus’ farewell discourse to the disciples in Gospel of John 13-14.
Experienced Medjugorje commentators agree that the unprecedented event on Christmas Day, the Christ Child speaking instead of the Virgin Mary, is a big and most significant development, a harbinger of major changes being underway.
Over the years, a bluecross specialty has been locating the Bible passages that the Virgin Mary paraphrases in her Medjugorje messages. On Christmas Day, he soon tied the Christ Child’s surprising Medjugorje message “I am your peace, live My Commandments” to Jesus’ farewell discourse to His disciples in John 13-14:
“Jesus speaking in this way echoes His farewell discourse in John’s Gospel when he says: “Peace I bequeath to you, My own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is My gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14 : 27) Elsewhere in the discourse He says: “If you love Me, you will keep my Commandments” (John 14:15)” bluecross noted.
“The start of the discourse begins: “My little children, I shall not be with you much longer” (John 13 :33). In fact, the whole of the discourse can be viewed as a summary of all that Our Lady has been teaching us these past 31 years. (John 13 : 33-38, and chapters 14 to 17) bluecross added.
“Soon we expect an announcement from the Vatican on the Medjugorje phenomenon and I think this plus today’s major surprise will not be unconnected. That is just speculation on my part, but the surprise today’s message brings will make many ponder the reason why.”
Wayne Weible, the most popular author of books on Medjugorje since the 1980s, also ascribes great meaning to the unexpected way the Christmas message was given.
“I agree that it is a clear sign that Medjugorje’s first part is near completion. As to the meaning, yes, time is short. We have been given an extraordinary grace of nearly 32 years of direct teachings from Heaven. Jesus is definitely appealing directly to those of us who have accepted His grace, to pray with great intensity for those who have not yet discovered the love of God” Wayne Weible tells Medjugorje Today.
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The Christ Child speaking instead of Mary on Christmas Day signifies major changes around the apparitions, and may even herald the end of the Virgin Mary’s messages, commentators agree. The Christ Child’s message echoes Jesus’ farewell discourse to the disciples in Gospel of John 13-14.
The scene that Medjugorje visionary Marija
Pavlovic-Lunetti saw on Christmas Day, the Christ Child standing up on the
Virgin Mary’s lap – depicted by Vladimir Borovikovsky in “A Vision of the Mother
of God with the Christ Child among the Angels” (1823)
Experienced Medjugorje commentators agree that the unprecedented event on Christmas Day, the Christ Child speaking instead of the Virgin Mary, is a big and most significant development, a harbinger of major changes being underway.
“My personal feeling
is that this change heralds the approach of the end of Our Lady’s messages as we
have been used to all these years. We may be about to enter a new phase of the
Medjugorje phenomenon” a longtime follower of Medjugorje with the pen name
“bluecross” comments on Medjugorje
Live. His real name is known by Medjugorje Today.
The Christ Child’s words in the Christmas message
from Medjugorje echoes Jesus’ farewell discourse to His disciples in John 13-14,
depicted here in Duccio di Buoninsegna’s work “Maesta”
Over the years, a bluecross specialty has been locating the Bible passages that the Virgin Mary paraphrases in her Medjugorje messages. On Christmas Day, he soon tied the Christ Child’s surprising Medjugorje message “I am your peace, live My Commandments” to Jesus’ farewell discourse to His disciples in John 13-14:
“Jesus speaking in this way echoes His farewell discourse in John’s Gospel when he says: “Peace I bequeath to you, My own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is My gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14 : 27) Elsewhere in the discourse He says: “If you love Me, you will keep my Commandments” (John 14:15)” bluecross noted.
“The start of the discourse begins: “My little children, I shall not be with you much longer” (John 13 :33). In fact, the whole of the discourse can be viewed as a summary of all that Our Lady has been teaching us these past 31 years. (John 13 : 33-38, and chapters 14 to 17) bluecross added.
“Soon we expect an announcement from the Vatican on the Medjugorje phenomenon and I think this plus today’s major surprise will not be unconnected. That is just speculation on my part, but the surprise today’s message brings will make many ponder the reason why.”
Wayne Weible
Wayne Weible, the most popular author of books on Medjugorje since the 1980s, also ascribes great meaning to the unexpected way the Christmas message was given.
“I agree that it is a clear sign that Medjugorje’s first part is near completion. As to the meaning, yes, time is short. We have been given an extraordinary grace of nearly 32 years of direct teachings from Heaven. Jesus is definitely appealing directly to those of us who have accepted His grace, to pray with great intensity for those who have not yet discovered the love of God” Wayne Weible tells Medjugorje Today.
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