by Jakob Marschner
When everything is being presented as lawful, we get to live in a world that is not real, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti said after receiving the Virgin Mary’s message on January 25. Visible fruits are arrogance, selfishness, and lack of respect, but Mary is creating a new civilization, she added.
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. Photo: Daniel Miot,
Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti reinforced her critique of modern society and living on the phone to Radio Maria shortly after receiving the Virgin Mary’s message on January 25.
”It seems that we are living in an unreal situation here because everything is lawful. Do you feel comfortable when you look at the city, the schools with bullying, so many things? This is not an Earth where each respects the other. Arrogance and selfishness are prevalent. I feel this very strongly. It seems like we have lost God in the middle of the road” Marija said.
old lady praying the Rosary in front of her house in Medjugorje. When
the Virgin Mary’s message of January 25 asks people to have “your prayer
be as strong as a living stone”, the phrase has a special meaning to
Croatians. When a traditional stone house was built, the people of
Medjugorje used to dig until they found an immobile stone strong enough
to carry the whole house. This stone is called “the living stone”.
Photo: Marco Piagentini
The visionary went on to explain that the Virgin Mary talks about the antithesis and remedy to society’s ills in her reference to “a living stone” in the January 25 message, here in its entirety:
“Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. May your prayer be as strong as a living stone, until with your lives you become witnesses. Witness the beauty of your faith. I am with you and intercede before my Son for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
”Our Lady asks us that all the moments of our lives are forever connected to God. And that she also wants through this message. Because, also now in this message, she wants us to become strong as living stones. With these stones we can also build a new society because this society is terrible company” Marija said, adding that the cure comes one person and one personal decision at a time:
Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. Photo: Daniel Miot,
”The Madonna began, we deeply believe, to create a new civilization with all the people who found the faith. So often we find that people who have found the truth of God become stronger every day and have converted and become witnesses. When such a person starts talking, you become speechless because this person has the experience of God in his life and transmits it by his words” the visionary said.
”Our Lady always tells us that if you do not pray and fast, or if your fast is weak, you cannot resist. The two must go together. Through fasting and prayer, the desire to convert immediately arrives in the heart.”
Gabriel Paulino transcribed and translated from Italian
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Posted by Ed Sousa Sr.