Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life is Beautiful

We packed up bread for the ducks, along snacks for ourselves, and Sofia and I set off to the park.

It was warm and breezy when we arrived and many young parents were out with their toddlers, enjoying the peaceful autumn morning.

Sofia, not quite two, joyfully ran over to where the children were; content just to be among them. They played on the slides, dug up the bark, ran around, and simply enjoyed the pleasure of the moment.

As I watched them from the bench, I pictured Jesus standing among them:

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them,

but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

After he placed his hands on them, he went away. (Matthew 19: 13-15)

Today marks the 12th day of the 40 Days for Life fall campaign. People from all across the country are joining this campaign. Many are praying and fasting with one common goal in mind, to stand up for life, to protect the unborn.

As I watched those little ones in the park, I thanked Jesus for each one of them, and I thanked him for groups like 40 Days for Life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, give us the courage to always stand up for the truth so that when others see our strength, they may glorify you, the source of all strength.

40 Days for Life


Anne said...

I will participate in our local "life chain" tomorrow. The last time I did this a few years ago, I was quite turned off by the number of people who drove by and swore at me. I pray that this year, my stomach will be strong enough to take a few nasty words, knowing that I am witnessing to the blessing of new life as God intended.

Cindy said...

Very nice post
