Friday, November 6, 2009

Beloved Soldier

Young and full of life’s promise, you chose to serve the country you loved.

You left all that was familiar and comfortable to you behind,
And with a heart full of courage you looked ahead; your mission was to serve.
You wanted to give back to those other brave heroes that had given to you;
It was your way to say thank you.
Who would have thought that here, on your own soil, amongst the people you trusted the most,
You would meet such a horrific fate.

The tragedy that transpired yesterday at Fort Hood, Texas, leaving 13 dead and 30 others injured,
has left their families shattered and our country both shocked and dismayed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Promote the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you; pray for it to the Lord, for upon its welfare depends your own. (Jer 29,7)


Anne said...

Thank you for this meaningful post. My Godson is a Marine and will be leaving for Afghanistan soon. It's such a perilous position, but we never know the time or the hour, so I pray for his safety knowing that if God wills it, his time there will be beneficial and safe.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Thank you for posting this. My colleagues and I are closely connected to Ft. Hood, and we are in shock. We appreciate the expressed concern of all those who support our soldiers and the difficulties of the life they face in 2009.