If we seek to really know Jesus, then we must seek to know the cross.
Jesus has many who love his heavenly kingdom, but few who carry his cross. He has many who desire consolation, but few who desire tribulation. He finds more to share his table, but few his fasting. All wish to rejoice with him, few who want to bear anything for him. Many follow Jesus to the breaking of the bread, but few to drinking his chalice of suffering. (Adapted from the Imitation of Christ, St. Louis de Montfort)
We all have crosses to bear, some much bigger than others. Some of us have family members that barely speak to one another. Some of us have children or spouses with addictions of various types. Some of us have been victims of violence. Some of us suffer from serious medical problems. Some of us have lost our jobs and carry extreme financial burdens.
It is so easy to get lost in self pity, to become overwhelmed at the weight of our cross from time to time, to deem it unfair or undeserving.
It is times like these, when sorrow sets in, that I am thankful for my Catholic upbringing because I was always taught about the redemptive suffering of Christ. Mom always told me that without the cross there would be no resurrection. Resurrection is hope; hope gives us courage, and courage gives us strength to continue the journey. I never thought of this as a simple answer, but I found it encouraging.
If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me". (Lk 9:23).
“Dear children, remember the four things you have to do during Lent. Tonight when you go home, I ask you to be thankful in front of the cross for all that you feel you should be grateful for; thank Jesus for what you have. My Son will hear you.” BVM, Medjugorje 2/13/1989
Carrying our crosses can be difficult. But, we need to remember to offer them up to the Lord. Also, we need to remember that God gives us one another to ease our burdens, after all Simon from Cyrene helped our Lord, with his. I know that I have been blessed with certain family members and close faithful friends, who have helped me carry mine and I am thankful to Lord for that, as well as the graces that come from those crosses.
Beautiful reflection, especially during Lent.
Peace and all good things to you, DG.
God blesses us in many ways! Thank you Jek.
Thank you, DG, I have been thinking a lot about crosses and suffering and this is a great post on how we are to view these things. Life isn't just about consolations. The world is all about "instant gratification" but the road to heaven takes a lot of sacrifice.
Some of the biggest crosses in my life turned out to be the biggest blessings. So hard to understand when you are in the midst of a trial.
Thanks for a great post!
without our crosses we could not grow in holiness, so we must pick them and carry on. The graces are so rewarding
You are so right Mary; the road to heaven is filled with sacrafice. Thank you.
Happy Catholic,
It is hard to see the blessings in the midst of a trail. A good friend of mind use to say that I had to focus on this thought "jesus I trust you". Those three words have always brought me such peace.
Thank you for this post Daily Grace. Timely.
God bless.
It's true, crosses are painful, heavy and they hurt. But, as you say, our suffering can be redemptive and that puts a whole new perspective on it. We know that God gives us what we need, we grow from and learn from our crosses. 'For in fire, gold is tested'
So true Andie, we do grow from our crosses.
"For in fire, gold is tested", this holds special meaning to me. Many years ago I was going through one of my worst trials. A friend was praying with me and ended the prayer with this very verse. I have always held it close to my heart.
LOVED this message - an important reminder
Thanks for sharing
God Bless
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